VR 16 JUNI 12-21

ZA 17 JUNI 12-19

ZO 18 JUNI 12-17

Mauritskade 55C



Arno Hoogland

Arno Hoogland is an Amsterdam based product designer and interior architect.

With a background in design and woodworking he combines modern production techniques with traditional crafts and model making.

Through experimentation with movement, light, form and texture his work explores human behavior within spaces and towards objects. His work provokes sensory interaction to make people aware of their habits, while renewing their attention to their surroundings.


Pamela Maria

Paméla Maria (1965) graduated at the Design Academy Eindhoven in 1989. In 1990-‘91, she received a starting grant from the The Mondriaan Fund for the further development of her work. Last year she received the ‘Woman’s Art Award 2020’ from Musa Art Space/Unesco. She lives and works in Amsterdam. Her work is on show in solo and group exhibitions internationally at galleries and art fairs. She also works on commission.


Erik Timmermans

Erik Timmermans creates both Conceptual and Figurative work, including illustrations. In his Platte Art-series of paintings and objects, Erik builds colourful façade structures, using elements of the prefabricated, grey flats from the former GDR (the Plattenbauten). The story behind the facades is at least as important as the image itself, forms the basis for this. The naive, monotonous images and forms he uses refer to a reality that evokes associations, but do not always match them. There is tension between representation and meaning.



Hendrik Dijk studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy under architect Jan Rietveld and ceramist Jan van der Vaart. He obtained his MFA at the New York Academy of Art when he lived in the USA, where he was high school art teacher. His present focus is on illusionist geometric work, the Kader Series. The origin of this work goes back to his time at the Rietveld Academy. “In some of his work Dijk seems influenced by the counterpoint of 18th century music as thought the sounds could be directly translated into gradations of color and tonal values, repetitions and changes of motifs” Joan D’Arcy, Woodstock Times.

Silvia Strobos

Silvia Strobos is a dutch artist who lives and works in Switzerland since 1998.

After attending the Higher School for design and Communication, she got her master degree in History of Arts and Science at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

In Switzerland she decided to deepen her skills of art in a more practical way and intensively took art classes at different teachers for years.

The main theme of her work is the different way in which people are connected to each other. It`s a search to visualize human interaction with paint and canvas as a medium.


Kika Notten, a lover of nature since childhood, channels her outdoor experiences into paintings centered around nature. She seeks hidden treasures in everyday surroundings, finding beauty in bare branches, solitary trees, and the reflections on pond surfaces. Her photos serve as blueprints for her artwork. With a background in art history and experience in museums and architecture, Kika followed her passion to become an artist. Mastering the technique of egg tempera, she creates paintings with endless delicate strokes and transparent layers. Each artwork is an unpredictable journey, captivating collectors in the Netherlands and beyond since her 2007 solo exhibition.

Wouter stips

Wouter Stips, born in 1944 in Wassenaar, demonstrated a talent for painting from an early age. After studying graphic design in Rotterdam, he explored various forms of visual arts, including exhibitions, animation films in Prague, puppetry in Paris, theater performances, and the creation of books and comics. From 1980 to 1995, he enjoyed a successful career in television, directing and writing documentaries, drama series, and comedies. However, in 1996, he decided to abandon his television pursuits and rekindle his passion for free painting, resulting in his distinctively vibrant, optimistic, and poetically gentle artistic style.


Hanne winkler

inspired by urban living. Drawn into a world of colours and compositions

grids and symphonies

lines and structures acting constants

chaotic colour bursts and life acting variables

absorbing the beauty whilst adorning the aesthetics within


hetty huisman

Hetty Huisman is a captivating sculptor known for her diverse materials and intriguing shapes. Mastering clay, wood, steel, bronze, and resins, she has recently focused on zinc. Her sculptures possess a distinct personal style, with smooth surfaces, soft curves, and sharp lines, representing reality through simplicity. Meticulously finished resin sculptures coated in automotive paint depict the human body in abstract form. Crafted in her Amsterdam studio, her zinc sculptures feature bold lines and a smooth finish within stainless steel frames, suitable for indoor or outdoor placement. Huisman’s breakthrough exhibition was “Bodywise” in New York in 2001, and she has since showcased her works globally.


Hetty Huisman – initiatiefnemer kunstgalerie ExitArtAmsterdam

ExitArtAmsterdam bestaat 15 jaar en dat verdient een feestje.

ExitArtAmsterdam is een non-profit kunstgalerie die kunstenaars helpt bij het ontwikkelen van hun carrière en het promoten van hun werk. De galerie is een collectief en staat voor inspiratie, kruisbestuiving, verbinding en samenwerking. Hetty Huisman, de initiatiefnemer van Exit Art, begon haar kunstzinnige onderneming 15 jaar geleden in een leegstaand winkelpand. Vanuit een atelier ontstond galerie ExitArtAmsterdam. Hetty: ‘Exit’ staat voor het telkens weer moeten vertrekken uit een anti-kraakpand, waarop een nieuw begin elders in de stad, met nieuwe kansen en inspiratie, volgde.’

Passie voor kunst is Hetty’s drijfveer. Als kunstenaar maakt zij fascinerende beelden die de werkelijkheid door eenvoud en minimalisme verbeelden. Als galerist promoot zij ook het werk van collega’s. ‘Samenwerken met kunstenaars die gemotiveerd zijn door de wens om elkaar te ondersteunen en elkaar kunst te promoten, in plaats van winst te maken. Dat vind ik geweldig.’ Het platform biedt kunstenaars de mogelijkheid om hun kunst aan een breed publiek te tonen, maar ook middelen en ondersteuning die diversiteit en inclusie bevorderen om zo een zinvolle bijdrage te leveren aan onze samenleving. ‘De aangesloten kunstenaars geven samen vorm aan de galerie en streven naar continue verbetering van hun werk door middel van inspirerende gesprekken en discussies.’

Talentvolle kunstenaars helpen om hun werk bekend te maken bij een breed publiek, dat geeft veel energie.

Voor Hetty is het werken met nieuwe, jonge kunstenaars een inspiratiebron en een andere manier van ondernemen. In de komende periode wil Hetty de online aanwezigheid van ExitArtAmsterdam vergroten om aangesloten kunstenaars ook wereldwijd te promoten. ExitArtAmsterdam beperkt zich dus niet alleen tot Nederland of een fysieke galerie. ‘Ook wil ik partnerschappen aangaan met musea en andere instellingen, om kunstenaars meer exposure en kansen te bieden.


‘ExitArtAmsterdam is jarig en dat verdient een feestje. Al 15 jaar biedt de galerie kunstenaars ruimte en middelen om hun werk te tonen.’ Van 16 tot 18 juli 2023 exposeert ExitArtAmsterdammet al haar kunstenaars in Werkpaard te Amsterdam. ‘Dat is een geweldige kans om kennis te maken met deze inspirerende kunstenaars en hun werk!’ De volgende kunstenaars doen mee aan de groepsexpositie: Hendrik Dijk, Arno Hoogland, Paméla Maria, Kika Notten, Wouter Stips, Silvia Strobos, Erik Timmermans, Hanne Winkler en Hetty Huisman.